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Loofah sponges or nylon sponges?

Une amie infirmière m’a demandé ce qui serait bon pour exfolier la peau de son dos. Elle ne voulait pas...

Herbes naturelles pour équilibrer le système hormonal féminin (et masculin)

Natural herbs to balance the female hormonal system (and masculine)

Dans le corps féminin et masculin, il existe plusieurs types d’hormones, naturellement produites et sécrétées par les glandes du système...

Oriental dance or baladi

Oriental dance or baladi

In order to preserve your youth and your beauty, get into oriental dance! Also known as ‘Belly dance’, oriental dance...

A little cleaning feels good! (but why?)

A little cleaning feels good! (but why?)

The alkalinity and cleanliness of body fluids trigger healing processes, but we also need to make efforts to improve different...

Important principles of naturopathy

Important principles of naturopathy

Here are a few sentences illustrating some important principles of naturopathy: KEEP OUR BODY ALKALINE. This is a great principle...

Oxygen – Life giver

Oxygen – Life giver

When the oxygen level is high in the body, all faculties are improved. There is no doubt that air and...

The importance of Magnesium (Mg)

The importance of Magnesium (Mg)

Acid-alkaline: Alkaline-forming Food sources: All fruits and vegetables, especially dark leafy greens, seaweeds, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, potatoes (sweet potato preferably),...

The liver and its needs

The liver and its needs

The Liver`s Role The liver is the body’s largest gland and performs several important functions. No less than a liter...

My favorite and best teacher!

Here is a little bit of my spiritual life adventure. I am sharing about a teacher who is very inspiring....

Raven means magic and much more….

Raven means magic and much more….

I love these beautiful magical black birds!  They have represented Magic in many circles, including the Celtics, the Medicine of...